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An Embodied Life

Are you a passionate free form dancer wanting to go deep

into your body through ceremonial dance containers?

Are you looking to feel safe and free in your own body

while connecting with other passionate humans?

Are you ready to release and transmute any

shame or guilt around your self expression?

Sign up on the link below and be the first to know the details

about our upcoming embodiment and ceremonial dance retreat hosted by

Yozéf Drágon, Felix Larisika and Rachael Lionness


Embodiment is a loving dialogue with your body in which you give space to all of your feelings, emotions and physical sensations.

This intimate dialogue is the foundation in creating an authentic and fulfilling life, stepping out of repetition and fully stepping into your unique way of self expression.

Embodiment is also a practice that requires your devotion and commited presence.
It´s a self discovery journey of your true essence and of learning the way to trust and express yourself in the world with confidence. 

True fulfillment can be found in accepting the full spectrum of who you are.

Your body holds the keys to empowerment and freedom!


is a way to come back home, to come back to your own heart! 
We believe in dance as a pathway into the reconciliation and harmony of the sacred polarities inside you!

Light & Dark
Order & Chaos
Feminine & Masculine 
Surrender & Action
Expansion & Contraction

The heart is the bridge in between worlds. Where heaven and earth meet to give birth to your unique self expression. 
Every heart has a message, every heart has a purpose, every heart is a beautiful expression of the divine.
Our invitation is for you to meet yourself in your own heart through ceremonial dance! 


Harmonize the sacred polarities

Life is the continuos dance between the sacred polarities of Feminine/Masculine, Dark/Light, Surrender/Action, Chaos/Order. We invite you to dance them all with us!  

Ceremonial Dance

We consider that dance requires intimacy and sacredness to become a true medicine for the soul. Therefore we like to create a ceremonial atmosphere around it so that together we can extract all of it´s healing properties. 

Human Connection

Dance is a great opportunity to experience healthy, juicy and inspiring human connections. That´s why we create a safe and mindful container so that you can step into connection with total joy and freedom. 


10 de mayo